Sup people
Some updates on stuffz
SpikeVallentine has made a new live action short following 'Leon and the Wolf'. Why am I posting this instead of him? Coz for some bizzare reason, SpikeVallentine decided to make a live action version of an animated short I submmited some months ago, Dining with the Devil. I am extremely flattered and amazed someone liked it that much to make a film out of it, and after seeing 'Leon and the Wolf' I was sure it was going to rock. He is a pretty cool guy and working with him was awesome.
So it's finished, I saw the final version already and it feels so surreal watching the story with living breathing actors. Of cource there is some dialogue added to it and a few changes but on the whole it's still Dining with the Devil.
On other animation projects, I wish I could work as fast as some artists on newgrounds that release a new amazing short every month. One day I am going to abduct one of them, study them and see how they do that. So if you stop hearing from them, it's coz of me probably. Anyway, the new animation I am working on has little girls and dragons, so if you are into either of them you will probably like it.